Youth Athletic

The Missing Gap in Plyometric Programs

The Missing Gap in Plyometric Programs

Social media is flooded with elite athletes demonstrating extraordinary feats of jumping and plyometric athleticism. Yet there is a huge difference between the type of work it takes to develop a physical quality, and what you see on social media when that physical quality is demonstrated. In today’s blog, I am going to discuss the missing gaps in these programs which we often don’t see on social media.

Influencing Children's Exercise Behaviour

Influencing Children's Exercise Behaviour

Think how easy it is to cave on your pledge to eat less refined sugar when someone from work brings in cakes to the office…vs if you physically have to get in your car and drive to the shops to purchase the same sugary snack.

Likewise, if your child has to turn the gym upside down and waste 5 minutes trying to find the foam roller how likely do you think they are to persist in the habit of regular foam rolling?

5 Lessons Learned Introducing S&C to An All Girls School

5 Lessons Learned Introducing S&C to An All Girls School

Prior to my arrival, the pupils at the all-girls school I work at had no experience of a structured strength and conditioning program, so these lessons are as much my reflections on my first year leading the strength and conditioning program at Downe House school as they are about doing this in the context of an all-girls school where S&C is new to all.

Trunk Training for the Youth Athlete: Part 1

Trunk Training for the Youth Athlete: Part 1

The powers of social media mean every man and their dog has an opinion on how best to train the muscles of the core, or what will be defined in the rest of this post, as the trunk. Rather than talk about aesthetics (because let’s face it…young kids have enough of that to deal with), this blog post will focus on the role of trunk training in terms of athletic performance.