Personal Development
When was the last time you felt embarrassed?
Mine was a couple of weeks ago during a staff race that brought the curtain down on my school's sports day.
What was ironic was another teacher spent the evening in A&E after bouncing his jaw off the athletics track...yet I felt more mortified with my performance.
The ‘hell yeah or no’ concept is often naively judged because people take the title as literally as Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4 Hour Work Week, without actually taking the effort to read it.
What many people think is a decision is merely stating a preference.
"I want to make more money" is a preference...I will take on extra shifts or start a side hustle is a decision.
If you believe the quick Google search I did prior to writing this article, the act of writing a goal down increases the chances of achieving it by 42%.
And if you believe “the science” (as every politician referred to it during covid), publicising your goal makes you 65% more likely to achieve it.
Given that I want to enjoy living until I’m 100, and *retire aged 50, you’ll understand why I want to do everything to stack the deck in my favour.